
After publishing my last post, I decided to check out the website for Chez Bogato (who once upon a time did the perfume cakes) out of curiosity. Chez Bogato is a French patisserie that specializes in cakes. They also sell lots of other cute "accessories" for desserts and parties. Here are some images from their site:

"Arc-en-ciel" cake with clouds
"Le Sweetburger" cake with mint leaf
"BOOM" cake with mascarpone
"Spiderman" cake
"Rose Barbapapa" cake with raspberry cream
"Bonbons d'amour" cake
"Jardins suspendus" cake with pistachio crumble and raspberry mousse

"Bonbon alphabet"
"Sucette I Love You"
"5 roudoudous"
"Couverts Lego"
"Bol la princesse"
"Théière en papier bleu et rose"

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